Opisywany tutaj kot całkowicie wyzdrowiał, nie zaobserwowano nawrotów, gdy po roku został przyprowadzony na badanie profilaktyczne.
Ryc. – Autorka
1. Moriello K.A. (2003): Important factors in the pathogenesis of feline dermatophytosis. Vet. Med. 98, 844-851. – 2. Moriello K.A. (2003): Monitoring treatment and preventing reinfection in cats with dermatophitosis. Vet. Med. 98, 886-890. – 3. Mancianti F., Nardoni S., Corazza M., et al. (2003): Environmental detection of Microsporum canis arthrospores in in the house-holds of infected cats and dogs. J. Feline Med. Surg. 5, 323-328. – 4. Moriello K.A. (2003): Practical diagnostic testing for dermatophitosis in cats Vet. Med 98, 859-876. – 5. Sparks A.H., Gruffydd-Jones, Shaw S.E., et al (1993): Epidemiological and diagnostic features of canine and feline dermatophitosis in the United Kingdom from 1956 to 1991. Vet. Rec. 133, 57-61. – 6. Patel A., Lloyd D.H., Lamport A.L. (2005): Survey of dermatophytes on clinically normal cats in the southeast of England. J. Small Anim. Pract. 46, 436-439. – 7. Moriello K.A. (2003): Feline dermatophitosis: topical and systemic treatment recommendations. Vet. Med. 98, 877-884.